Start a Grow Group
A brief guide on how to start a group
How to Start a Grow Group
1. Join as an ordinary member and regularly attend an already established In-person or Zoom group to familiarise yourself with Grow.
2. Purchase the Grow Journey booklet from the group or from the shop page of the website.
3. Become familiar with the Grow Journey booklet and practice using the Group Method found in its back pages.
4. Make it known to your group Organiser that you want to start a Grow group.
5. If possible, become socially active and involved in the Grow community. Help organise and attend Grow group outings and combined socials or online activities.
6. Gather some friends and acquaintances around you that share a similar interest in wanting to form a group. These people should be willing to support you in your role as the group Organiser by attending each week (For more information on sourcing members, Click here).
7. Choose an Organiser and someone to be a Recorder.
8. Apply to the Grow administration to be officially recognised as a new and forming group.
9. Find a public venue to hold a weekly group meeting (preferably free of charge until funding can be sought). Meetings are often held in a private room of a local church, library, CAB, Community Centre or Community house.
10. Choose a convenient day and time for your weekly meetings.
11. Become a listed group on the website.
12. A mentor is appointed from within the Grow community as a support person to the organiser.
13. Once the group is up and running, the Organiser and Recorder are invited to attend the combined leader meetings (O&R meetings) for additional support. Attend on Zoom or In-person.
14. Set aside regular social time to have fun or enjoy a relaxing activity with your fellow members. The goal is to form strong friendships, necessary for keeping your mental health in check.